Bratislava, 09/05/2007

The Universal Register (, founded in 2002, contains a huge amount of general information about business entities in Slovakia, including details about their payment discipline, as well as information concerning overdue liabilities of such business entities. Information sources of UR include leasing companies, business companies and state institutions like Social assurance, the Tax office and health insurance.
Currently, the Universal Register database includes more than half a million overdue liabilities concerning more than 90 thousand subjects. The main users of this primary source of information are banks, leasing companies, relevant business and manufacturing companies, consulting firms, etc.

“I am convinced that through the acquisition of the Universal Registry, we will be able to offer higher data quality, a more complete database and new additional services” – commented Miroslav Vester, Director of INFIN, s.r.o – a CRIF company.
CRIF, which also has subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, Poland and recently opened operations in Russia, has acquired 100% shares of SCB – Slovak Credit Bureau. Founded in May 2004, SCB sets up the first banking credit bureau in Slovakia, with a system based on a technological solutions developed and provided in outsourcing by CRIF, exploiting its expertise in the credit-reporting area. All main Slovak retail banks are nowadays members of the Banking Credit Bureau managed by SCB – Slovak Credit Bureau. Moreover the company is launching a non-banking credit bureau of financial institutions (leasing and sales-finance companies etc.) and is involved in the development of anti-fraud solutions and implementation of progressive scoring and rating tools.