Comprehensive Marketing Services for Business Growth

CRIF provides its clients with qualified information on individuals, companies, industries, geographical areas, and the related impacts on sustainability, together with advanced digital platforms and specialist consulting services to understand the market and excel in sales and marketing activities.

CRIF’s range of marketing solutions is based on:

Technology platforms for marketing intelligence and sales acceleration;

Specialist teams to support market analysis and the definition of effective business development strategies;

Over 200 data scientists supporting the development of AI-based insights and customer-based analytics;

More than 20 years of experience, with multiple global business development projects.

Covered industries

Icon BankingBanking Icon InsuranceInsurance Icon Telco BlueTelco & Media Bolt Light BlueEnergy & Utilities Icon Manufacturing BlueManufacturing Icon Services BlueServices

Key benefits

In-depth market knowledge

Unique insights into prospects, customers, competitors and geographical areas.

Chart Network Light

Development and acquisition

Development of new products and acquisition of new target customers.

Campaign optimization

Cost reduction and improved redemption and conversion rates through more focused targets.

Improved customer engagement

The experience is truly tailored to the needs of the end customer.

Strong retention

Greater levels of retention and reduced customer churn.

Database updating

Timely updating and qualification of the sales & marketing database.

What we offer

Business People 4 320

What services do we have?

We offer services that respond to the need to segment the customer base and identify the most promising areas of opportunity - two key areas for a successful marketing and sales strategy.

Specialist platforms are used to offer qualified information about companies around the world, web-based services for portfolio and potential market analysis, and data integration and lead management solutions.

We have the tools to increase turnover and find new customers, make the sales network more efficient, and support the growth and expansion of the business beyond the target market.

Other solutions

Credit Bureau & Data Pool

Credit Bureau & Data Pool

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Business Information

Business Information

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ESG Strategy & Consulting Services

ESG Strategy & Consulting Services

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Property Valuation & Information

Property Valuation & Information

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