Outcourcing Agency for Business & Bank Debt Collection

CRIF has been serving a large network of banks, financial institutions, debt buyers, and businesses for over 25 years.

CRIF adds value for its clients by reducing the cost of risk and improving business performance through the following:

  • Independent Special Servicer.
  • Strong specialization in effectively serving a wide range of asset types & markets.
  • Data-driven collection processes supported by tCRIF Group's analytics and credit information assets (CRIF Information Core).
  • Significant investments in technology & cybersecurity, leveraging the capabilities of the CRIF Group

Covered industries

Icon BankingBanking Icon InsuranceInsurance Icon Telco BlueTelco & Media Bolt Light BlueEnergy & Utilities

Key benefits

Reduced Risk Costs

Thanks to industrial phone collection processes supported by Analytics & Technology.

Increased Business Performance

Thanks to professional NPL management services supported by Data-Driven Processes.

Legal Management Digitalization

Digital processes to speed up and monitor legal proceedings.

Solution details

Business People 35 400

Data & Analytics for Credit Management

  • Due Diligence: evaluating the value of NPE portfolios for acquisition or to enhance collection strategies.
  • Data Remediation:  enhancing data quality of NPEs to be managed or disposed of) through data enrichment. 
  • M.A. (Credit Management Analytics): providing collection scoring as a service, Data Enrichment, and Multichannel Automated Collection.


Collection Services

  • Out-of-court collection: multichannel contact management, phone & field collection.
  • Legal collection: activation of legal proceedings, injunctions to pay, enforcement proceedings, ordinary proceedings, and legal advice through legal networks and dedicated Joint Ventures.
Business People 36 400
Business People 38 400

Legal Services

Legal Services:

  • Oversight Servicing (Legal Eye).
  • Digital Collection and Analysis of legal proceedings data & documentation.
  • Digital Monitoring of legal proceedings & lawyer/servicer performance.
  • Benchmarking between lawyer/servicer performance and the market.
  • Predictive justice.
  • Specialist management services (such as “third-party foreclosure support”).

  • UNI EN (ISO 45001:2018) certification
  • UNI EN (ISO 9001:2021) certification

Fitch Rating Level 2+(*) for Special Servicer activities in relation to NPL management in three different areas of activity:

  • residential mortgage-backed securities (RSS - Residential Special Servicer
  • commercial mortgage-backed securities (CSS - Commercial Special Servicer)
  • secured or unsecured securitized assets (ABSS - Asset-Backed Special Servicer)

(*) On a scale from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest)

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